GM3206 - + Saúde, Fisioterapia Social ao Domicílio

New service of at home physiotherapy for elderly

Pillars of Gamma Community Platform: Community
Implementation time: Depends on the financing for van and materials acquisition
Project duration: Limitless same as before
Community: Prevention of physical and psychological declines and social exclusion, reduce informal caregivers’ workload, decrease wating lists


The project +Saúde, Fisioterapia Social ao Domicílio wants to ensure physiotherapy at home for the elderly in Sine’s region.

Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Sines (SCMS) has a physiotherapy service that operates exclusively within the Institution facilities, open to the public and to residents of the Day Care. Due to the daily occupation rate and the shortcomings associated with the displacement of technicians to the domiciles, the service does not have human resources and material to meet all these needs and requests. Taking into account these gaps, there is a need to expand and improve the service, in order to satisfy the most dependent population of the municipality. At the moment, in the municipality of Sines, there is no social physiotherapy at home.

This project aims to create a new service of social physiotherapy at home, complementing the existing service. Thus, it will improve people’s quality of life, whether autonomous or in a situation of temporary or permanent dependence, through functionality recovery and promotion of physical and psychological well-being and minimize the restraints of mobilizing people in need of extra care, either due to their physical condition and lack of proper medical supervision, or constraints on time, transport and travelling distance. They also intend to provide a mobile application for scheduling/deselecting sessions and the possibility of video call user-physiotherapist.

To make the project happen, it is necessary to hire a physiotherapist, acquire a vehicle and portable physiotherapy equipment.